Windows 7 almost five times more secure than XP

on domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011
Windows 7 is four to five times less vulnerable to malware infections than is Windows XP.
Those are the findings of Microsoft's latest Security Intelligence Report (PDF), which detailed in depth the state of software vulnerabilities, exploits, security breaches, and malware in 2010.
Overall, the study found that infection rates for newer Microsoft operating systems with the latest service packs are consistently lower than those for older OSes, giving Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 the highest marks for security.
Looking at the number of reported infections per 1,000 computers, Microsoft found that Windows 7 64-bit had the lowest number at 2.5, while the 32-bit version had 3.8.
Windows XP with SP3 came in with 15.9 infections per 1,000, while XP with SP2 had the highest number at 19.3. Breaking down the numbers, Microsoft's stats mean that Windows 7 is around four to five times more secure than XP.
Windows Vista's infection rate was considerably lower than that for XP but still turned out to be double that for Windows 7.
Drilling down further, the 64-bit

27 Respuestas:

omgigotnickedforprotesting dijo...

Surely the deal with any new OS is that it has a far lower infection level. The older the OS the more vulnerable it is to a virus?

emosniper6108 dijo...

No way. Windows will always be vulnerable.

FrostyC dijo...

Now let's see Linux infection rates.

charlie tuna dijo...

I think they are more vulnerable simply because older OS's have been around longer. More time for h4x0rz to penetrate them.

Phate dijo...

Lower infection level sure, but still vulnerable. :/

Ragnarök dijo...

makes me glad i have 7

Xenototh dijo...

I agree with Charlie, XP has been around for so long, of course it's vulnerabilities are more well known, although I am sure that they have closed a lot of backdoors. For example, I haven't seen anything like Vundo on a 7 computer yet.

Alexis dijo...

Win7 is so much nicer to use as well, and more efficient. I love it.

kxxthanxx dijo...

xp was shit

Joe Clark dijo...

Shows how much Microsoft has done recently to make their systems better.

Skankin_Pete dijo...

Judging by the other comments I'm the only one who still uses xp lol

Thorfan dijo...

I guess I'm switching to 7.

Carles dijo...

time to change!

Chance Porter dijo...

The only reason a computer would get a virus or malware would be due to the fault of the user. If you aren't stupid, it doesn't matter which OS you use.

Admin dijo...

A step in the right direction.

Raizoo dijo...

Glad i got 7 !

Eulogio Gallo dijo...

So many people still have XP too.

Zemata dijo...

I'm STILL getting used to 7. My netbook runs XP though.

therocksays dijo...

only problem with W7 is a little backcompatability issues.

TK1927 dijo...

That's good. It's about time Microsoft got their shit together.

Delirium Tiger dijo...

Maybe its because XP is known so long they had time to write viruses on it and 7 is relatively new. I think we should wait before we come to conclusions about security of one system over another

Anónimo dijo...

just gotta watch were you go on the interwebz these days..

arsenal1first dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
arsenal1first dijo...

I may need to update mine now that i've seen that, thanks!

Empty dijo...

got any comparison for mac snow leopard osx vs win7?

Anónimo dijo...

XP was PoOp 7 is way better, but watch out for those Apple guise, itz de Best owpr8ing Sistim Evor... to those guise..

Anónimo dijo...

There's no doubt about it. In 2000, Windows 98 SE and Millenium Edition were the most secure. But you get to 2002 and everyone claims XP is most secure. Really all that is happening is the old bugs, old viruses, and old hacks are fixed up and patched more efficiently than before, therefore making the new OS the most secure. Once the operating system is out longer, it can be picked at longer and the bugs are found which makes it easier to code viruses for. It's same with Facebook, MySpace, Blogspot, and any given application like Windows Live Messenger. If the updates aren't given for these apps, it gives the people wanting to write viruses for them an easier time to do so, thus making the virus count go up and the security to go down.

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